Our Quest for Safe, Secure Food:
An Important Mission Since Our Founding

Quality Assurance Concept

At the Nissui Group we value the delicious flavors and freshness of ingredients, and strive to deliver quality products with value to each and every individual customer in a safe and reliable manner and by doing so to create a healthier, more sustainable future through innovative food solutions.

Article 1 Policy

  1. 1.A culture of food product safety shall be cultivated in order to ensure the delivery of safer and better food products to consumers.
  2. 2.Activities and preparation of products shall be carried out in compliance with voluntary standards which have been established based on laws and regulatory requirements and which reflect consumer values.
  3. 3.A consistent, integrated quality assurance system shall be established for management of production processes up to and including final products and covering fish nurseries, farms, poultry farms, and all other business locations.
  4. 4.The safety of all used ingredients and packaging shall be verified, and only items with verifiable and reliable origins and history shall be used.
  5. 5.Products shall be produced only in plants with facilities and equipment, management systems, and trained employees which allow for the application of food safety management systems and HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) management.
  6. 6.A managed distribution system shall be established and maintained to enable products to be delivered to consumers with no loss of quality.
  7. 7.Communication with consumers will always be valued in order to ensure the production of products which satisfy consumer needs and that products and services will be continually improved.
  8. 8.Accurate product information shall be provided to consumers in an easy to understand manner, including information on the origins and history of used ingredients, allergens, nutritional components, and production processes.

Article 2 Action guidelines

(1)Cultivation of a culture of food product safety

Cultivation of a culture of food product safety means creating a culture in which every company officer and employee considers food product safety and quality risks from a consumer point of view and acts accordingly.

  1. 1.Each and every individual company officer and employee shall be conscious of their personal responsibilities related to food product safety and quality and fulfill their roles accordingly.
  2. 2.All organizations shall collaborate and strive for better communication in order to produce better food products.
  3. 3.In order to cultivate a consistent culture of food product safety, organization leaders shall provide appropriate leadership, communicate messaging to members of their organizations, and incorporate repeated and continuing education and training into work in order to ensure organization members always take food product safety and quality risks into consideration and act accordingly.
  4. 4.Leaders shall practice and maintain systems to allow them to verify that organization members understand and adhere to training content as well as established rules and procedures.

(2)Basic actions

  1. 1.The provision of reliable and satisfying products to consumers shall be the basis for all actions.
  2. 2.Employees shall ensure that their actions are always in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, in-line with accepted social conventions, and understandable by consumers.
  3. 3.Employees shall maintain an appropriate interest in the quality of the food products which they deliver and continually endeavor to improve their own skills and capabilities as food production professionals.
  4. 4.Each and every individual employee shall understand both the purposes and meaning of established procedures, and always comply with established procedures while carrying out work.
  5. 5.Employees shall continually endeavor to develop and improve technologies and employ their individual skills and knowhow to improve quality in all processes from development to purchasing, production, distribution, and sales.
  6. 6.For all ingredients and packaging used guarantees of standards shall be obtained and both compliance and safety shall be verified.
  7. 7.Quality standards, production standards, ingredient composition tables shall be strictly observed in order to provide consumers with products of stable and reliable quality.
  8. 8.A system shall be established to prepare and maintain product records on everything from ingredients used to production and distribution, so that said records are available for use whenever necessary.
  9. 9.Each business division and location shall identify and compile quality related issues within their organization, and establish procedures and targets for correcting or resolving said issues. Each division shall ensure that information related to quality assurance is shared and that training required for quality assurance is routinely implemented.

(3)Improvement of food product safety and quality, and handling of deviations

  1. 1.In the event of any claims or complaints from consumers, prompt action shall be taken to verify the details of and resolve the situation. In addition, activities shall be promoted to ensure the prompt application of consumer opinions to improve products.
  2. 2.In the event any food product incidents occur, handling shall take consumer standpoints into consideration, investigations shall be launched to immediately identify any potential health hazards and the potential for the incident to escalate, the incident shall be reported to the relevant administrative agencies as required, and required measures shall be promptly carried out, including but not limited to sharing of information with sales locations, disclosure of information, and product recalls.
  3. 3.In the event of any violation of policy or action guidelines, the facts shall be determined, responsibilities shall be clarified, and impartial measures shall implemented in order to prevent any recurrence.

Article 3 Quality assurance standards, etc.

Quality assurance initiatives at all divisions must be carried out in accordance with a variety of separately established quality assurance standards.

  1. 1.Roles of each division in relation to quality assurance
  2. 2.Nissui Plant Certification Standards
  3. 3.New Product Introduction Standards
  4. 4.Labeling Standards
  5. 5.Standards for Ensuring the Safety of Ingredients
  6. 6.Quality Assurance Training Standards
  7. 7.Distribution Quality Assurance Standards
  8. 8.Food Defense Standards
  9. 9.Imported Product Inspection Standards
  10. 10.Emergency Response & Product Recall Standards,

Established: October 1, 2002
Revised: April 1, 2023