We contribute to healthy living through the provision of delicious and environmentally conscious processed foods that closely align with our customers' diverse needs.
Business Overview
Nissui has developed processed products suited to local food cultures in Japan, North America, and Europe, leveraging the strengths of our value chain through Group companies in Japan and overseas.
In Japan, we manufacture and sell frozen prepared foods for household and food service use, shelf-stable foods, and surimi-based products (fish sausages and fish paste products). We are also focusing on manufacturing ready-to-eat meals such as boxed lunches and rice balls for convenience stores.
Going forward, we will respond to diversifying customer needs, including convenience and environmental consciousness, with innovative food solutions centered on sustainability.
Business Strengths
- Product development, production, and quality assurance capabilities across all temperature ranges (frozen, chilled, and shelf-stable), enabling us to supply products through diverse channels
- Product development leveraging Nissui's R&D capabilities in areas such as EPA functional foods, fast-twitch skeletal muscle protein, and research on flavor and aroma
Business Areas & Group Companies
Due to changes in population structure and lifestyle changes including diet, we provide products that meet diversified food needs in both the household and food service sectors.
Household Use
Our household food products are primarily sold through mass retailers and convenience stores. We offer products across three temperature ranges - frozen foods, chilled foods (including surimi-based products), and shelf-stable foods (fish sausages, canned and bottled products) - with some products holding the No. 1 market share position in their respective categories.

Frozen prepared foods for household use

Fish sausage, Surimi-Based products

Shelf-stable foods
Food Service
For the food service sector, we sell prepared and frozen agricultural products to mass retailer delicatessen sections, ready-to-eat meal providers, restaurants, and institutional food services. We offer a wide range of products, including those utilizing Nissui's strengths in marine products, as well as products that address labor shortages by offering greater cooking convenience.