This is a list of analysts at securities companies and other companies, as well as research institutions, which make recommendations and comments on our company's business.

Company Analyst
Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. Mr. Makoto Morita
Phillip Securities Japan, Ltd. Ms. Satsuki Kawasaki
Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. Mr. Hiroshi Saji
SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. Ms. Naomi Takagi

*As of March, 2025


  • *The above list has been prepared based on information available to the Company at the time of publication. Thus, please be aware that analysts may change, the Company does not support or endorse the analysts listed, and information may not be fully up-to-date.
  • *This list is intended to provide investors with information regarding the analysts and their organizations that analyze the Company's business performance, operations, products, technology, etc. as well as provide business forecasts. It is not intended to solicit investment or to recommend purchasing/selling our shares.
  • *The analysts use their own judgment in analyzing our business performance, our businesses, products, etc. The Company is not in any way involved in any process related to the above. The Company also does not endorse or guarantee the forecasts, opinions, or recommendations that the analysts make.
    Investment decisions should strictly be based on the individual investor's discretion and judgment.