Name Details
Gomez IR Site Ranking 2024 The "Gomez IR Site Ranking 2024" evaluates the websites of 3,838 listed companies in Japan based on 233 survey items across four categories: "Ease of Use of the Website," "Comprehensiveness of Financial and Earnings Information," "Comprehensiveness of Corporate and Management Information," and "Proactivity and Advancement of Information Disclosure."
Gomez IR Site Ranking 2024 (External Site)
Daiwa Internet IR Award 2024 This award assesses the websites of 4,098 listed companies in Japan using the "5T&C" framework: "Timely (Timeliness)," "Transparent (Transparency)," "Tracable (Traceability)," "Trustworthy (Trustworthiness)," "Total (Inclusiveness)," and "Communication (Interactivity)."
Daiwa Internet IR Award 2024 (External Site)
Nikko Investor Relations Overall Category: Best Site This ranking evaluates the websites of 3,975 listed companies in Japan based on 168 objective criteria across three perspectives: "Clarity," "Ease of Use," and "Abundance of Information." It assesses the extent to which companies provide stakeholders with the necessary elements to access information and understand the company's situation.
All Listed Companies Website Comprehensiveness Ranking (External Site)